Hazardous Materials Handling
Global Haulage Logistics is certified by the U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. At Global Haulage Logistics, we continuously orient our representatives on the latest practices and procedures for comprehending, classifying and safely moving hazardous materials.
In the ever-changing world of regulation and certification, you can rely on Global Haulage Logistics representatives to get it right the first time.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Numerous representatives have completed their TSA certification and hold their own individual STA numbers. Whether you are shipping sensitive biomedical specimens, critical machine parts or must-have retail products, we are committed to providing you the highest level of service in the industry. Global Haulage Logistics is an authorized agent for multiple international, national and regional Indirect Air Carriers. We provide daily delivery and pickup at some of the busiest air cargo hubs in the United States.
With around-the-clock operations in dozens of locations, Global Haulage Logistics has an established network of highly efficient and secure facilities. We take our responsibility to provide safe transport and secure locations very seriously.

Annual MVR checks, background checks and drug screens
ID badges and uniforms
Security cameras at every location
Secured cages and self-locking doors
Vehicle seal program
O, S & D reports sent to you in a timely manner
Global Haulage Logistics works closely with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to implement all facets of the Compliance Safety Accountability rating and compliance system.